Should I buy white garlic or purple garlic?

Garlic is a familiar spice, used in many dishes and is often stocked by housewives in the kitchen. Garlic not only enhances the flavor of dishes but also brings health benefits, helping to increase resistance.

When buying garlic for later use, choosing good quality garlic plays an extremely important role. Garlic must be fresh and delicious to have high nutritional value, and will not get moldy or sprout after a long time.

When going to the market, you will see two popular types of garlic, one is white-skinned garlic, the other is purple-skinned garlic. So how are these two different?

The difference between white-skinned garlic and purple-skinned garlic

Purple-skinned garlic and white-skinned garlic have certain differences in flavor.

Purple-skinned garlic and white-skinned garlic have certain differences in flavor.

Looking at large garlic bulbs, the bright white skin will be more eye-catching and many people like to buy this type of garlic. White-skinned garlic bulbs are often watery. White-skinned garlic is crispy and less spicy. Meanwhile, garlic bulbs with slightly purple or completely purple skin will be more highly valued in terms of nutritional value, containing a higher allicin content, and a more delicious taste. Purple-skinned garlic will not be as watery as white-skinned garlic, but it will be spicier and more fragrant.

White-skinned garlic is often suitable for eating raw, mixing fish sauce, mixing salads, salads, and salads because it is not too spicy.

How to choose delicious garlic that will not sprout if stored for a long time

No matter which type of garlic you choose, you need to pay attention to some of the following characteristics to choose high-quality garlic bulbs.

– Check the head of the garlic bulb

When choosing garlic, look at the head of the garlic bulb to know which is old garlic.
When choosing garlic, look at the head of the garlic bulb to know which is old garlic.
When buying garlic, look at the head of the garlic bulb. When harvesting, people will cut off the upper branches and leaves of the garlic plant, leaving the bulb. There will be a short section of the garlic stem left on the garlic bulb. You can use a knife to cut off a short section of this part and look closely inside to see if there are many layers left. If you see many layers of skin inside, no holes, it is a sign that the garlic is still young, harvested early, the taste will not be as delicious as old garlic.

– Look at the garlic roots

Delicious garlic bulbs will usually have a few roots left. Leaving the roots helps the garlic retain moisture inside. Cutting off all the garlic roots will cause the water in the garlic to quickly disappear, making the garlic easy to shrink and soften. Garlic with roots will be more plump due to more water, nutrients will not be lost as much and will be easier to preserve.

– Look at the garlic skin

When buying garlic, you need to check the skin carefully. Not all garlic is whiter, the more delicious. You can choose garlic with a slightly purple or completely purple skin. As mentioned above, white garlic and purple garlic will have different flavors. Depending on your preference, you can choose the right type of garlic.

– Check the firmness of the garlic

When buying garlic, gently press on all the bulbs to check if it is fresh and delicious. Fresh garlic has full cloves and hard bulbs. Soft, easily dented bulbs are garlic that has been stored for a long time, and the inside may even be shriveled, moldy, or rotten.

You should buy garlic bulbs that are evenly shaped, intact, and not chipped or cracked. Avoid choosing garlic bulbs with cracks, dents, or black color… because they are spoiled garlic, difficult to preserve, and also affect the health of the user.

When choosing garlic, you should avoid garlic bulbs that are cracked, have black spots, or are dented.

When choosing garlic, you should avoid garlic bulbs that are cracked, have black spots, or are dented.

If you see that the garlic is about to sprout, you should not buy it. Although sprouted garlic can be eaten, the flavor is not as good as that of newly harvested old garlic. Moreover, sprouted garlic will not last long. After a short time, this type of garlic will sprout long, the garlic cloves will shrink.

Matt John

Matt John is a creative person. Matt love Reading, Writing, and exploring the world. He is on a mission to help those people that do not understand the term username and want a good appearance on the internet.

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