Strange Blue Banana That Naturally Tastes Like Vanilla Ice Cream

A photo on the Internet of a strange blue banana variety that seems to be a photoshop product, but turns out to be real.

The Blue Java banana variety initially made many people skeptical because of its strange blue color. This is not a photoshop product, this banana variety is real.

The most special thing about Blue Java is that it tastes exactly like vanilla ice cream. That’s right, the original flavor without any processing or preparation of this banana is described as vanilla ice cream. The texture of ripe Blue Java bananas is soft and smooth like ice cream, just lacking coldness. The banana flavor is rich in vanilla and natural sweetness. Some people use a blender to blend frozen bananas and have vanilla ice cream without needing a second ingredient.
According to analysis from biologists, the areas with many of these banana varieties are Central America and Southeast Asia. Although it is a tropical fruit, this banana is very cold-resistant, as long as there is enough sunlight.

Amazon has now started selling seeds of this banana for those who want to try growing it, you can refer here.

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