The first thing you see reveals your personality 👇🧐”

This painting is a classic visual illusion in the world. However, according to a recent study, what you see first depends on your age.
Before reading the article, take a look at the image below and let us know what you see.
What do you see first in this picture? It turns out the answer depends on whether you are young or old – Image 1. This is one of the classic paintings in the field of optical illusions, called “My Wife or My Mother-in-law,” created by British artist William Ely Hill and published in a magazine in 1915. In 1930, psychologist Edwin Boring included it as an example in some of his books on optical illusions, so the painting is also known as “Boring’s Picture.”

As the name suggests, the answer when looking at this image is either one of two possibilities: either a young woman with a hat turning away, or an older lady with a large nose, with her mouth represented by a necklace.
Generally, since it is an optical illusion, different people will have different answers. However, according to a recent study by experts in Australia, what you see first is related to your age.
Specifically, the research team at Flinders University (Australia) conducted an experiment on 393 people – 242 men and 141 women – aged from 18 to 68. The average age of the group was calculated to be 32. All participants were given only one second to observe the image and then asked to describe what they saw first.
The initial results showed that participants tended to see the figure closest to their own age. That is, younger participants saw the young woman first, while older participants saw “the mother-in-law” first.
To be more precise, the experts decided to separate the 10% oldest and 10% youngest participants. The results remained the same: older people saw the mother-in-law, while younger people saw the wife.
According to Mike Nicholls, the author of the study, the goal of this conclusion was to determine whether age influences the way individuals perceive and analyze situations.
Of course, even if you see the mother-in-law first, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re truly old. You might just be more mature than others in your mindset.