The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the vegetables with the highest risk of causing cancer, including a dish that is a favorite of many families

Overnight Cruciferous Vegetables
Most Vietnamese families still have the habit of storing leftover food from the previous day to reheat and eat again the next day. However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has researched and concluded that cruciferous vegetables such as bok choy, spinach, etc. have very high nitrate content. If these vegetables are processed and left overnight, they will be denatured and release substances that can cause high levels of cancer, specifically nitrates that can be converted into nitrosamines – extremely dangerous carcinogens when reheated.
Among them, spinach, also known as spinach, has the highest risk of causing cancer when it is processed and left overnight. Because it is not only rich in nitrite but also rich in iron, when reheated, the iron will be oxidized and create dangerous free radicals. This is also one of the main causes of dangerous diseases such as cancer and infertility.
Pickled cucumbersPickled cucumbers are a common cause of stomach cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer in Vietnam. This has been studied and proven.
Accordingly, WHO has shown that the more pickles, salted eggplants, and salted meat a person consumes, the higher the risk of stomach cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer. Because fermented foods with too much salt will increase the risk of stomach and duodenal ulcers, thereby causing the thick mucosa to be severely eroded and destroyed, creating a favorable environment for HP bacteria (bacteria that cause stomach cancer) to develop. Best restaurants near me
Fresh bamboo shoots that have not been boiled to remove toxic substancesFresh bamboo shoots contain a lot of cyanide, a toxin that can cause poisoning in humans. Cyanide is an acid radical, whose compounds include salts and acids, which are very toxic, and heavy doses can cause death through the digestive tract.
When eating bamboo shoots containing a lot of cyanide into the body, under the effect of digestive enzymes, it immediately turns into cyanide acid (HCN) – an extremely toxic substance to the body. Specifically, a 50kg person only needs to eat 50mg to die.
Sprouted potatoes
Many families often have the habit of buying a lot of potatoes to put in the refrigerator to eat gradually. However, if potatoes are left for too long, they will sprout and produce countless toxic substances. Because, in sprouted potatoes there is a lot of solanine – an extremely toxic substance, capable of causing fatal poisoning. Moreover, it will stick persistently in the liver, increasing the burden on the liver’s detoxification, thereby increasing our risk of liver cancer by 3.6 times.
Bean sprouts without roots
Many people firmly believe that plump, white bean sprouts without roots are delicious and nutritious. But in fact, this is a type of bean sprout that contains a lot of growth chemicals, they do not grow by nutrients from the soil and water, but they grow thanks to stimulants.
Scientific studies have shown that chemicals from stimulants will accumulate in bean sprouts, no matter how many times you wash them, they will not be gone, and when absorbed by the human body, they will slowly corrode each liver cell, destroying the liver and causing liver cancer.